Following an inspection on 23rd & 29th January 2019, Bradfield has been rated ‘Good’ in 3 areas including areas of ‘Caring’, ‘Responsive’ and ‘Well Led’. A CQC rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ for ‘Safe’ and ‘Effective’. Although a majority of areas were judged as ‘Good’, the CQC aggregate scoring system awards an overall rating of ‘Requires Improvement’.
A draft report received on 21st February was reviewed and subsequently a Factual Accuracy Form was sent to the CQC to be reviewed by the CQC Lead Inspector.
A number of errors were corrected as a result of challenging the factual accuracy of the draft report, which included changing the ‘Well Led’ domain from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’. The final, amended report was published on 10th April 2019.
We accept the feedback from the lead CQC inspection officer, and have already made good progress implementing recommendations to meet best practice guidance. New way-finder signage has been installed to guide persons around the home and highlight main areas, and the home has been redecorated to aid orientation for clients with poor sight, reduced cognitive functions and dementia.
We previously conducted legionella testing in-house, with samples sent off for analysis. There have not been any incidents relating to legionella since the home opened in 1995, we have acted on the recommendation to meet health and safety guidance we have appointed a Canterbury-based firm to conduct all future water testing, water risk assessments and due diligence checks at Bradfield.
We are understandably surprised by the overall rating, given such a positive report from the CQC, we have always continued to improve and develop the home since the last inspection in October 2015. We have a great daily programme of activities and entertainment, maintain close community links, and have purchased a new 8 seated minibus and mobility van for families to use for outings, appointments and social events. Staffing levels were also increased in May 2017 when we opened an additional 5 rooms to the home as there was and still is a demand for good quality care provided in a friendly, homely environment.
The report highlighted many positive areas such as well maintained, clean and odour free premises, comprehensive needs assessments, good understanding of safeguarding procedures, and most importantly friendly and caring staff.
Bradfield currently maintains a score of 9.8 out of 10 on, as a result of reviews from residents, relatives and visitors to the home. This score is independent and all reviews are vetted to ensure they are genuine.
We are also the only home in this area of Kent to be accredited by the Gold Standards Framework (in partnership with The Pilgrims Hospice), awarded at ‘Commend’ status when caring for people towards the end of their life. We also feel that being a family owned and managed home, living on the premises means that we are able to respond well to any changes, plus we are always available and on call 24hrs a day to support our dedicated and profession team of Management, Senior, Admin, Housekeeping, Catering and Care Staff who are the real heroes.
We have a very open and transparent way of working and welcome any visitors to the home to see for yourself what makes Bradfield special. We look forward to demonstrating how we have implemented the recommendations to our regulator, the Care Quality Commission.
Best Wishes,
David & Rebecca Johnson
Joint Registered Managers